09.14.2019 Spider Saturday with a Purple Sky

Okay…it won’t be a regular thing like frogs.  And it’s just a web, not an actual spider but spiders are fun too.

Monday morning was quite foggy.  I tried a couple of locations but wasn’t finding them much more than a white palette with nothing of interest. I finally settled on a small meadow that is part of the Silvio Conte National Refuge in Hadley. The refuge is actually quite large, bordering the Connecticut River in various parts of New England and holding quite a few acres of separate properties in Hadley.

The above web was one thing I captured while waiting for the sun to rise in a huge orange ball in the fog behind one of my favorite trees. That didn’t happen, but I did get a shot of an unusual color in the sky as the sun, although not visible, did light up the fog.

I’ve seen one other purple sky across the road from here a few years back.

About Steve Gingold

I am a Nature Photographer with interests in all things related. Water, flowers, insects and fungi are my main interests but I am happy to photograph wildlife and landscapes and all other of Nature's subjects.
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23 Responses to 09.14.2019 Spider Saturday with a Purple Sky

  1. Ann Mackay says:

    Beautiful web…but wow, that sky is extraordinary! Feels like something’s about to happen…..!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. That’s the purplest sunrise I’ve ever seen. Even without the huge orange ball you’d hoped for, it’s a worthy image in its own right because of the unusual color. And what’s not to like about a dewdropped spider web?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, I was happy to capture something unusual. I’ve had a few purple clouds in images in the past, but nothing wall to wall like this fog. I was also happy that there was little breeze, probably the little bit was eddies from my own heat, to blow the web around much.


  3. Gallivanta says:

    A beautiful purple cloak for the tree and an elegant spider web tiara for a stalk. Dawn, all dressed up, and ready for her photo shoot.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. shoreacres says:

    What a beautiful image. Purple fog, or maybe purple haze. It looks like you and your camera took Hendrix’s advice; remember when he said, ” ‘Scuse me while I kiss the sky”? His song’s a little rough for the peacefulness of this image, but on the other hand, can’t you imagine this as one of his album covers?

    I’ve only seen something approaching this kind of purple once. It was on Matagorda Island, and it also was at sunrise. I’d forgotten this.

    Liked by 1 person

    • That was a beautiful sunset. Reminds me of a well-built tequila sunrise.

      Yes, of course I remember Purple Haze and in a way I did kiss the sky…if I followed the advice known as K.I.S.S. 🙂 There was a time, many many years ago, when I would have thought a little Hendrix was the perfect accompaniment to this morning. Now I think quiet was the perfect pairing.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Pete Hillman says:

    I have seen purple sunrises here, especially with the rising mist, but this is really some purple! Nice one Steve!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Never saw a Purple sky! Very nice spider web with water or dew drops!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. krikitarts says:

    Just love your web. I keep looking for the spider, but it seems that it was off-camera. I’ve seen a number of similar webs made by long-jawed orbweavers at the cabin, and the tend to stretch out and hug a branch so closely that they’re very difficult to spot.

    Liked by 1 person

    • It was funny, none of the many webs had a spider. It’s like they all went to a conference or something. But maybe it was one of the long-jawed you mention. I did look but they might be hard to see.


  8. bluebrightly says:

    The web is particularly pretty – not perfect, very alive looking. But the sky? I just can’t believe it was that purple!

    Liked by 1 person

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