05.10.2015 Yellow for Sunday

I am behind on my replies to all the comments for the last couple of posts and I will catch up shortly.  I am also behind on my comments for some of your blogs and, likewise, I’ll catch up on them too.

This morning I made my annual pilgrimage to my favorite Marsh Marigold (Caltha palustris) location. As always, there were around a hundred or more plants and I selected a couple to photograph.

I may show a couple of the others in the near future, but for now here is a close up of one bloom.

Marsh-Marigold-closeup-051015-700WebFor this shot one really has to get down and dirty.  It is fortunate that the overshoes are 20″ tall and have an over the foot strap because the muck was @10″ deep and almost sucked them right off my feet.

We went to Nasami Farm yesterday which is a garden store and nursery of the New England Wild Flower Society.  I would have loved to purchase a few of these but our yard is not nearly mucky enough to support them.  They love wet conditions and, although our yard can be wet at times, it is just not wet enough.  I did pick up a Large-flowering White Trillium, a Dutchman’s Breeches, a Bluebells and a Trout Lily so maybe next year I can enjoy them here in the yard.

About Steve Gingold

I am a Nature Photographer with interests in all things related. Water, flowers, insects and fungi are my main interests but I am happy to photograph wildlife and landscapes and all other of Nature's subjects.
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21 Responses to 05.10.2015 Yellow for Sunday

  1. Nice shot. Sounds like you need to ask Santa for a pair of hip or chest waders.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I think I would like waders for deep water, but I think they might be difficult in knee deep muck. It would be pretty easy to reach down into the gunk and release the strap and Velcro that secure the overshoes but I am thinking the waders would be more difficult?


  2. That’s one vivid wildflower portrait you’ve got there. The yellow’s as rich as can be, and that purplish haze in the lower left provides a nice contrast. Mucking around was certainly worth it this time.


    • The rich yellow is one of the two things that I really enjoy with these flowers. The other is the serrate leaf margins. If it were not for the mosquitoes mucky spaces would be my favorite place to be. Well, the smell is a little rough sometimes too.


  3. Lovely.

    As to catching up, while I’ve been on my break I’ve barely read posts, much less written. I will never catch up and that has to be okay. For you, too.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I think you may be following more blogs than I and have more followers too, Melanie. I am now almost caught up. I guess I would be OK with falling short but I really appreciate the comments I receive and feel everyone deserves a reply.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Jim in IA says:

    I remember mucking around in some pretty sticky mud. It can pull your boots off easily. Then you are in a bad way. Hard to balance and get them back on.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. shoreacres says:

    What a pretty flower, Steve. It does resemble our buttercup, which seemed to be trying to conquer the world this year. So much rain, I suppose. Is the one toothed petal standard issue, or just an individual variation?

    Mud can be tough. Sucked-off boots are as bad as filled-up hip waders. Ah, the trials and tribulations!


    • No surprise that it reminds you of the buttercup as they are both in the Ranunculus genus. The petal is a variation, but I see it quite often.
      I would much rather lose a boot in the muck than be anchored down by filled waders I guess that isn’t so bad in standing water, but I would be worried if it was in a stream with a current.


  6. A beautiful shot of the Marsh Marigold. The color has excellent saturation.That was some deep mud you were in and I’m glad that you were shod in the appropriate footwear. As some one suggested, maybe you need some hip waders but gee those things are quite heavy. I tried on my husband’s waders once just to test the weight. I felt as if I could not take a step. Maybe your kind of boot is more appropriate for photographing.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. This is a beautiful shot, I love the pistils. So sharp ! And the details on the petals are amazing !

    Liked by 1 person

  8. The simple, delicate flower, and the beautiful, bold color makes such an eye catching image.


  9. Alas, my yard isn’t nearly mucky enough, either. sigh. Aren’t they wonderful? Just a few days ago I came across a modest clump of them and scrambled down into the mud to photograph them 🙂
    This photo is wonderful, with such crisp detail and a hint of purple in the background.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Wouldn’t it be nice if our yards were varied enough to be able to grow all the different species we so enjoy out in the field? While we can’t have the marsh marigolds, the lawn is filled with your basic run of the mill buttercups if I go to long without mowing. Have you ever held one under your chin, or your child’s, to see if they like butter? My folks did that when we were kids. 🙂


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