04.08.2022 Frog Friday-before and after

Some days the light just isn’t with you. Dull, overcast, just plain unappealing.  But some images can be salvaged and this is an example.

Originally I dismissed this shot, but did not delete it, as being too dark and dull. I rarely delete images unless there is something horribly wrong, such as blurry or way overexposed.  You never know what tools and skills await saving something and storage has become cheaper every year. And even the good images can be made better when reworked.

This is from last June.  I only made two frames and they sat until now.  I wouldn’t say this is my best or even one of my better frog images but it is worth sharing and on Frog Friday that’s what it’s about.

The new masking tools in Lightroom were a big help as well as doing some burning and dodging in Photoshop. While some people dismiss Photoshop as cheating, it can be used in the same way photographers of yore worked in the wet darkroom, strategically adjusting light, using preferred chemicals, selecting just the right paper, etc.

Btw, this is a male green frog-Lithobates clamitans aka Rana clamitans.  The large tympanum behind the eye says male (larger than the eye=male, smaller=female)and the ridge along the back says green frog. Maybe this guy had chicken skin from a June morning chill.  🙂

Happy Frog TGIF.

About Steve Gingold

I am a Nature Photographer with interests in all things related. Water, flowers, insects and fungi are my main interests but I am happy to photograph wildlife and landscapes and all other of Nature's subjects.
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33 Responses to 04.08.2022 Frog Friday-before and after

  1. krikitarts says:

    It certainly paid off to revisit this one with the new tools–very nice work, with a very handsome subject.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: More Cricket Frogs | Mike Powell

  3. shoreacres says:

    I like the contrast between the long, straight reeds (?) the frog is perched on and the surrounding lily pads. He looks like a tourist who’s chosen the interstate rather than that back roads and has paused to say, “There’s nothing interesting out here.”

    Liked by 1 person

  4. melissabluefineart says:

    It is remarkable what you achieved. Like a magician you even made it feel like it was a warmer, sunny day! Happy Frog Day!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. You did a remarkable job in this photo. I also don’t know why some people consider photoshop use cheating, and although I tend to try to take a good image in camera, sometimes. As you mentioned, the light just doesn’t cooperate.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, Alessandra.
      I know a few photographers with their noses in the air amid claims of getting it right in the camera. As if the camera itself doesn’t alter images. Getting the best possible exposure is the start, not the end. They should use only a 50mm “normal” lens to duplicate what their eyes naturally see. Film photographers manipulate the light and color by film choice. Little of photography reflects reality. And nothing makes creativity more personal than presenting the images as you wish it to be seen rather than how the engineers in the camera factory think it should be shown.


  6. Peter Klopp says:

    A dark image can be spruced up with the new editing tools demonstrated so well in your frog photo today. Great job, Steve.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Very nice! Interesting frog facts too 🐸

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Very Nice Adjusted Frog Image!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. You did a fine job salvaging this picture. The edited version has a life that the original version lacked.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, Steve. I’ve always enjoyed processing. Not as much as actually being in the field but the process of improving or even rescuing an image is almost as special as the magic that happens when one is watching an image develop in the wet darkroom. Almost.


  10. Wow. What a great save.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Ann Mackay says:

    That’s a fine frog you have there, hehe! I can never understand why people think that Photoshop is ‘cheating’. Would they think the same of traditional darkroom work? Most Photoshop work is just the digital equivalent. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, Ann! I always think of Ansel Adams’ remark about someone standing next to him at the time of exposure hardly recognizing the image after he did his darkroom work. He did some things creatively and with precision that is hard to do even in Photoshop.Some of that attitude comes from people who see the work of photographers that is presented as real when they have hugely manipulated the image.

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Todd Henson says:

    Awesome! I think this was worth sharing both for the frog, which is a great representation of the species, and for how you’re able to bring out what’s in the image. If some folks want to call it cheating, so be it. Some of us see it as both a creative tool and one to enhance what could be used as a natural history sort of image showcasing a species in its best light. Nicely done. I’m glad you shared this one.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, Todd. People are entitled to their opinion but most often, in this example of art, it isn’t out of knowledge of the subject but simply denying its value which seems to be all the rage in most aspects of American life. No one asks a painter, well probably no one, whether the light or color was like that, whether there was or wasn’t an attractive element like in the picture, etc. Too many assume photography has to be strictly representational. If you are not familiar with Guy Tal, I’d recommend reading some of his essays. He definitely considers himself an artist who uses the medium of photography. Here’s an interview with him by Alister Benn, whose channel is worth subscribing to and watching.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Todd Henson says:

        I enjoy reading Guy Tal, though it has been a while. I have a few of his books, both physical and ebook, and I remember reading his columns in LensWork when I was a subscriber. I appreciate the link to the video. I’m not familiar with Alister Benn and will check out his channel.

        Liked by 1 person

  13. The technical changes you wrought are fascinating to see. The frog’s tympanum reminds me of a precious stone, maybe amber. I admire a man who wears his jewelry well.

    Liked by 1 person

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