07.09.2015 Root-maggot Fly

At the request of Intricate Knot, here is one of the insect shots from the trip to Mount Pollux.

I guess there are worse things than being called a root-maggot fly…and most likely the maggot behavior has earned the name.

Root-maggot-Fly-070615-700WebTentatively ID’d as Hydrophoria lancifer, I mistook this for a long-legged fly (Dolichopodidae).

For most people, I would guess this to be a little too up close and personal, but I find insects, and flies in particular, to be quite interesting for their body structure.  No doubt everything is there for a good reason as nature and natural selection don’t have much use for niceties. My favorite fly appendage is the haltere.  As I get older and am having balance issues, I could use a couple.  🙂

About Steve Gingold

I am a Nature Photographer with interests in all things related. Water, flowers, insects and fungi are my main interests but I am happy to photograph wildlife and landscapes and all other of Nature's subjects.
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16 Responses to 07.09.2015 Root-maggot Fly

  1. Jim in IA says:

    We use hiking poles. They make good halteres.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. shoreacres says:

    Isn’t he something? I take it that small, round, yellow thingie is the haltere. Those hairs on his legs look stiffer than hairs, too. Perhaps they assist with (let me put this delicately) clinging to dinner.

    One of the unexpected side benefits of my cataract surgery seems to be better balance. I hadn’t realized there was a difference until I went to work this week, and realized I was moving around the boats more instinctively than I have been. It makes sense, but I just never had thought of it.

    Liked by 1 person

    • That could be a purpose for those hairy legs, although I don’t think these dine on the same sustenance as the common house fly or some of the others who help rid us of life’s waste materials.
      Cool on your improved balance, Linda. I imagine our senses must take on added loads or somehow help us compensate for the shortfall of others. People report increased sensitivity in their remaining senses upon losing one, so possibly regaining a certain level helps the others return to full attention to their intended purpose.


    • I forgot to say, “yes” the haltere is that yellowy thingie. 🙂


  3. You could try wearing a halter top, but then that’s probably best left to someone with two X chromosomes. Snarkiness aside, I’ll say that you’ve got a sharp and well-balanced insect picture here.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Andrew says:

    Hmmmm. I think I’ll wait for the next dragonfly. Diptera don’t do it for me.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Lottie Nevin says:

    I love the head gear. Looks like a cyclists helmet. A great shot Steve, every minute detail in perfect detail.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Well Steve, that is one terrific macro shot that shows the fly in all its glory. But gee this is one ugly fly. Yes, I know it is an integral part of the environment and I like that aspect of nature but…

    Liked by 1 person

    • Fortunately for us, there is a lot of beauty in nature because nature doesn’t require it. Much of the beauty we appreciate is part of attracting a mate, but I don’t believe it is an appreciation of the beauty so much as a quality that speaks to good offspring. And, of course, some of that also helps with camouflage.
      In this case, I guess we can say the beauty is in the complexity rather than good looks. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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