01.19.2015 Frosty Edge of an Ice Shelf

The foreguess yesterday was for rising temperatures with mixed precipitation turning to all rain.  It started to come down around 9:30 am as freezing rain…I got my camera bag closed just in time…and did eventually turn to mostly rain.  They got one right.

I visited two spots and this image is from the Amethyst Brook area where I shoot cascades and a waterfall (see also my slot cascade shot from two posts ago-“Going Big Time”) in warmer times.  Yesterday started at @24°F, after a week or so of single digit nights and days in the teens, and that meant a lot of ice and snow remained.  Again, most of the ice was covered and the waterfall was frozen over, which is usually a good thing as I will share tomorrow, but also covered and not very photogenic.There were a few, as Andrew described one the other day, iceholes and I found this one that had some nice shaping and frosty edges.

Again, not much noticeable color so we went monochrome.

Please click for a larger image.


I was hesitant to walk out very far on the ice shelf adjacent to this, so used my 70-200 for ease of framing.

This may or may not appeal to others, but I enjoyed the shaping that developed and the frost and crisp snow I find enjoyable as well.    YMMV  🙂

About Steve Gingold

I am a Nature Photographer with interests in all things related. Water, flowers, insects and fungi are my main interests but I am happy to photograph wildlife and landscapes and all other of Nature's subjects.
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17 Responses to 01.19.2015 Frosty Edge of an Ice Shelf

  1. This very impressive shot.looks like lace over a black curtain. A dramatic photo. The coldness of the photo almost gives me shivers.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Nice lens! I can clearly make out the edges of individual ice crystals. Most would have passed this subject and shot by without a second thought. I’m glad you’ve got that sharp, photographer’s, eye. I need to learn to watch, as you do. I’ve just about given up on counting upon the weather. I’ve taken up my Mother’s attitude … There will be weather, whether or not.


  3. Andrew says:

    It looks like it is growing and maybe it is. Perfect for monochrome and a sensible choice of lens. In those temperatures I’d not want to get wet.


  4. Jim in IA says:

    I like the stark contrast with the ice crystal edges.

    Technical questions: Is your camera one with 3 CCDs? Do you ever have pictures come out on posts with different color and quality than you started with?


  5. With a change in scale, I can imagine a snow-covered coastline.


  6. I love this exquisite shot, Steve. It is neat how it goes from fluffy to finely detailed, and then the haunting black. Wonderful. What do the letters stand for?


  7. This is amazing, Stephen. I love winter!


  8. shoreacres says:

    It may be my imagination, but the tiny hillocks make it look like the crystals are growing upward as well as out. It reminds me of the artificial snow we used to decorate windows with during the holidays.


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