02.01.2024 Screeeeeech!

A friend alerted me to this owl a while back and I was lucky enough, and patient too, to get it with open eyes.  Often they keep their eyes closed during the day, saving their energy for the night hunt I guess.  I was pretty happy to get this shot.  I hear plenty of owls in our backyard where we are near a wildlife sanctuary but I seldom see them.



About Steve Gingold

I am a Nature Photographer with interests in all things related. Water, flowers, insects and fungi are my main interests but I am happy to photograph wildlife and landscapes and all other of Nature's subjects.
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19 Responses to 02.01.2024 Screeeeeech!

  1. Oh, I am jealous of this shot, Steve! 😉 I have heard this owl in my yard several times in past couple months but I cannot find them. Tonight I am actually going on an “Owl Prowl” at Pickering Creek Audubon not too far from my home to learn more about our area owls and go looking for some. 🙂


  2. Jim R says:

    You will never hear them flying. 🙂


  3. Tina says:

    I’m so jealous! We normally have screeches around and one spent one night in our nest box, but I haven’t seen or heard any in weeks. Either the individual came to a bad end, or moved on to another territory.

    Great shot, thanks for sharing this cutey!


  4. Wow – great capture, Steve.


  5. Eliza Waters says:

    Nice! They have such great camouflaged plumage.


  6. Wally Jones says:

    Outstanding photograph.
    What a wonderful opportunity. Although abundant in many places, most people have never seen a Screech Owl.


  7. My experience matches yours: I hear owls outside our house from time to time but almost never have I seen any of them.


  8. shoreacres says:

    That camouflage is extraordinary. Even though I suspected from your title what I was going to see, it took a moment to find it. To be honest, I’m not certain I could identify the sound of an owl. I need to go on one of our local ‘owl prowls’ when they begin again this year.


  9. Beautiful, Steve. I’m glad your patience paid off. I’m also a little envious. 🙂


  10. Excellent sighting, Steve! I’ve never seen a Screech Owl.


  11. Great Owl image! Enjoyed seeing your owl image!


  12. Sam.Rappen says:

    What a wonderful shot. I know nocturnal owls typically “nap” during the day, so their eyes might be closed or at half-staff, but I’ve also wondered if the fact that they have supreme night vision might also mean they need to protect their eyes from the bright daytime sun?


  13. Ann Mackay says:

    Lovely – both the photograph and having the opportunity to see an owl. I hear owls here sometimes but have never seen one.


  14. Todd Henson says:

    Very nice! Like you I rarely see owls, and I don’t believe I’ve seen a screech as of yet. Glad you had this opportunity.


  15. I love these little owls. Very nice!


  16. Awesome image of this screech owl, hiding in plain sight! What a master of camouflage. We have them in our area and it always amazes me how beautifully they blend in with the trees.


  17. doerfpub says:

    Those Screech are so hard to find – nicely done.


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