09.17.2019 Two from Sunday on Quabbin Hill

The morning was pretty foggy and when I reached the end of Amherst Road where it meets Route 202 I had a decision to make…north or south.  I chose south and ended up in Quabbin Park.  I think the fog was better up north but I was there the day before so decided to go to the park.

I shot these goldenrods last year and thought to try again this time around. Last year’s had more fog and the tower was less visible but this is more representative of what one sees there most often.

As I looked at this scene I realized the sun was above the trees but not from my vantage point so turned and saw the light streaming through the branches and what remained of the fog.

The two starbursts were a bonus. For a few more nice sunbeam shots and a primer on the phenomenon take a look at Linda Leinen’s recent post-A Certain Slant of Light.

About Steve Gingold

I am a Nature Photographer with interests in all things related. Water, flowers, insects and fungi are my main interests but I am happy to photograph wildlife and landscapes and all other of Nature's subjects.
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10 Responses to 09.17.2019 Two from Sunday on Quabbin Hill

  1. There’s often a tug-of-war between the artistic and the true-to-life. This year’s version of the goldenrod may be more representative but last year’s grabbed our eyes (or at least mine).

    Liked by 1 person

  2. krikitarts says:

    ‘Ray for you–wonderful moods both!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Sun rays filtering through trees really gets my attention. I absolutely love the star bursts effect of the sun shining through trees. I have seen this in real time but I was never able to capture the images.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. shoreacres says:

    That’s awfully kind, to make mention of my “rays” ~ thanks! I just spent some time comparing goldenrod species again. An Illinios gardener just posted one I thought might have been the same as yours, but it turned out to be zigzag goldenrod. It has the same erect habit, which I like.

    I laughed out loud after I looked at the top image and then did a double-take. I first saw the tower as a silo, and the goldenrod as corn tassles. You can take the girl out of Iowa, but I guess it’s impossible to get all the Iowa out of the girl.

    Liked by 1 person

    • There are so many goldenrods that I sometimes have a hard time identifying them. But these showy goldenrods were pretty easy. I saw a chart somewhere that had keys and images to aid in that but cannot find it again. Probably something I saw while scrolling through Facebook.
      I hadn’t seen it as a silo, but of course I do know with your suggestion.
      I enjoyed your post with your different example of rays and the dialogue that accompanied. I hope anyone of my visitors who aren’t familiar with your blog took a trip there to see for themselves.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Your Sunbeam image is fantastic!

    Liked by 1 person

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