01.31.2015 The Face

For those who also follow Andrew’s blog, this is not nearly as sublime as his image of the same name.  Actually, I am almost embarrassed to share it after you have seen his image.  If you didn’t click to see it, please do so….I’ll wait…….

So, this was seen as I was culling images from last Sunday while preparing to archive.  I am usually fairly aware of my surroundings, but somehow I missed this snowy fellow who was keeping an eye on me while I shot.  I once called the town to see if it was OK to photograph on posted water supply lands.  The super told me not only was it OK, but they appreciated my going there as I was their eyes and ears.  Well, I apparently am not the only pair of eyes at Dean Brook.




About Steve Gingold

I am a Nature Photographer with interests in all things related. Water, flowers, insects and fungi are my main interests but I am happy to photograph wildlife and landscapes and all other of Nature's subjects.
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39 Responses to 01.31.2015 The Face

  1. Andrew says:

    Steve, you are over generous. Thank you. I love these shots of yours and this is no exception.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Jim in IA says:

    I wonder what she and the others are looking up toward.

    Nice teeth on that fellow.

    You are eyes and ears. Good. I get that sort of designation by being a weather spotter. Radar can’t see what is happening on the ground. Our reports give some ground truth to their images.

    Liked by 1 person

    • It is a music venue, so maybe she is imagining the program to follow.

      Just out of the picture at the upper left is all that remains of a mill. A tall stone chimney and some concrete supports. People camp there at times which is illegal as the brook feeds into one of the town’s water supply reservoirs. I was there early one day several years ago when a camper rose and relieved himself into the brook in plain view…as a matter of fact he saw me and I think was proud of the act. I guess he believed that dilution is the solution to pollution. I have no idea the outcome of my call. It was before cell phones so had to wait until I got home.


      • I like your “dilution is the solution to pollution.” Did the camper follow up with an ablution?


      • I didn’t keep watching him once I realized what was happening, Steve. Bit of a prude, I guess. I am not sure I would want to take a dip in water that I had just polluted, but maybe he did.
        I’ve a bit of a gross story about that, so tender readers look away.
        Many years ago, I knew a less that bright individual (the idiot son of a former employer) who spent the winter in a cabin in Vermont with a bunch of friends. There was no plumbing, so they did what they had to do in a snowbank upstream from the cabin. In the Spring they all got quite sick as they got their water from the stream. He seemed rather proud, as if it was a badge of honor or something..
        That saying obviously did not help them. I learned it while taking an environmental conservation class years ago. It is a saying that polluters used as an excuse for dumping.


  3. Ha-ha. A good one Steve. Andrew is quite the looker in the photo. Big wide grin and eyes wide open. You should make a crop of the “face” and post that as well.. Excellent find.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Lottie Nevin says:

    Steve, these just get better and better 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I feel silly, Steve~ I don’t see a face. The photo is grand, though, and I’m glad you get to be the eyes of the place. That is important.


  6. shoreacres says:

    I was looking for a creature like a rabbit or fox at first. Then, I decided you were being more playful — that’s when I spotted the alligator. Nice teeth!


  7. Just Rod says:

    That fellow looks a little chilled.
    Another fine image Steve.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I was never very good at either ‘Where’s Waldo’ or ‘I Spy’ and even the back-and-forth with Melissa hasn’t helped … I still don’t see the face. That doesn’t detract from this nice image however. I also liked the stories embedded in the many comments above.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Pingback: 02.27.2015 Hidden in Plain Sight | Stephen Gingold Nature Photography Blog

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