10.28.2014 Dawn at Owens Pond

Prior to my visit to Mount Pollux on the 27th (yesterday), I thought Owens Pond in the Wentworth Farm Conservation Area might offer a nice start to the day.  As I stood at the west end of the pond, it seemed unlikely that there was going to be anything special happening.  The sky was clear and the horizon had a dull glow. But there were clouds to the north and they were drifting across the sky to the southeast.  I was hopeful.

Two women walked by with their dog and asked what birds I was photographing.  I explained the situation and they wished me luck.  A short time later they returned just as some color was building under the clouds and joined me for a few minutes enjoying the show.

Owens-Pond-Dawn-102714-700WebAs with yesterday’s composition, I waited for the clouds to move to a better position.  A little more to the right would have been good but, as they drifted, they dispersed and did not satisfy as much as here.I have a few favorite spots to visit throughout the year.  Owens Pond is right near the top of the list.

About Steve Gingold

I am a Nature Photographer with interests in all things related. Water, flowers, insects and fungi are my main interests but I am happy to photograph wildlife and landscapes and all other of Nature's subjects.
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28 Responses to 10.28.2014 Dawn at Owens Pond

  1. Jim in IA says:

    I like this photograph a lot, especially the palette of colors and the sharp focus on the tree branches in the reflections. I tried looking at it rotated 90˚ left and right. That was ok, but not better.

    A friend had there house photographed for a local publication that highlights certain homes. The photographer asked if he could come back the next day for a particular shot. He wanted to set up the camera in the living room looking toward the wall of windows on the south. He said there is a moment when the light in the room and that outside are the same levels. He got his shot. Now we wait for the publication to see the result.


    • Thanks, Jim.

      Yes, balancing the light is sometimes tricky but, when doing interiors , it helps avoid blowing out the exterior brightness or creating deep shadows within. And who wants to set up lights all over the place.


  2. Just Rod says:

    You captured a beautiful moment Steve. I hope the ladies didn’t interrupt you too much. I really like the reflective quality of the lake contrasted with the softness of the sky above. And just enough mist to add mystery. I can see why this would become a favourite place.


    • No, they were very nice company. One was taking pictures as was I and the other watched quietly. Even their dog just sat politely waiting to get going.
      I was very happy with all the elements in this as they came together, Rod. Thanks.


  3. Lyle Krahn says:

    That’s masterful reflection.


  4. drawandshoot says:

    That’s a beauty, Stephen!


  5. Faith says:

    Stunning photo Steve!


  6. Gee whiz, I like this photo a lot. it seems like a simple one but then if one looks closely there is more to this than meets the eye. The contrasts are excellent.


  7. Lottie Nevin says:

    Your patience has certainly paid off. This photograph is sublime. It almost reminds me of the design on Japanese fabric. Absolutely perfect.


  8. Andrew says:

    Soft and gentle colours. Very tranquil. A well behaved dog for company. What more could a man want?


  9. Once again it’s the reflection, and particularly the color of the clouds in it, that carries the day.


  10. benrowef64 says:

    Beautiful, the monochromatic of the scene emphasizes the fantastic sky. Nicely done.


  11. shoreacres says:

    I think this is my favorite of all your photos, at least to this point. Probably because of the trees, it reminded me of Ezra Pound’s poem called “In A Station of the Metro.” The metro and your pond would seem worlds apart, but here’s the poem:

    The apparition of these faces in the crowd;
    Petals on a wet, black bough.

    That’s it. I suppose the “wet, black bough” is what connected them in my mind, but on the other hand, Pound was an Imagist poet, intent on capturing moments in time. I went looking to double-check, and found that “a characteristic feature of [Imagist poetry] is its attempt to isolate a single image to reveal its essence.”

    Well, that’s pretty much what you did here. Gorgeous.


    • Succinct. I don’t think I have read Pound before…possibly in High School. Short and to the point. A picture may say a thousand words, but it doesn’t always take them all to paint the picture.

      I appreciate the comparison. There was a lot more going on here that was not helpful to the composition. I tried to eliminate as much as I could and still maintain the sense of place and moment I was experiencing. I am very glad you see that in the image, Linda.


  12. Let’s see the 28th … that would have been this Tuesday, past. Did you take this then or on the day before? Anyway … one day this week I was at my desk at school and noticed, out the window to the northeast, a beautiful glow at sunrise. I got up to peer more to the east and saw beautiful shades of pink and orange pastel spread for miles across the morning sky! Talk about total frustration … sitting there at my desk … and not being out with the camera. I’m glad I get in before anyone else in the building because I’m sure I let my frustration known, loud and clear. Your image here is subdued, but that’s OK, it works … for that’s what autumn sunrises can look like. Beautiful pinks and the reflections really complete the composition. Nice. D


    • Posted on the 28th, but shot on the 27th, Monday. Tuesday was back to work, starting time is before sunrise now until Sunday, so I missed that one. Since I start now almost a half hour before sunrise, when the really nice color is in the sky, I share a similar frustration. Maybe next week I will be able to shoot a sunrise before work…we’ll see. We’ve another full moon approaching next week.


  13. Beautiful end of day photo. I liked that you pushed the day just a little further and captured the light with just a slightly different cast…Great job.


  14. Pingback: 12.05.2014 Once more from Owens Pond | Stephen Gingold Nature Photography Blog

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