03.06.2016 Upstream Dean Brook

There are always good reasons for being familiar with a place and visiting it at various times of the year.  For one thing, the seasons change and with them so does the appearance of places.  As they change, plants grow and become greener and blossom. Trees weather the seasons and change their foliage.  In the case of today’s post, water freezes, melts, refreezes, drops in level, rises again, reveals and then covers what lies hidden beneath the motion.  As winter is winding down, what little snow and ice we’ve had this year is filling the brooks with the groundwater and surface melt giving a nice strong flow and creating some interesting intimate landscape compositions.

I have mentioned before that Dean Brook is a wonderful source of cascades.  Several locations along its length have already appeared here and today’s is  yet another.  I often enter the Houston Gage property across the bridge near where this was photographed, but haven’t made an image of this spot until now.

Dean-Brook-CASCADE-1-030616-880This is the first of two cascade images along with one icicle shot from this morning.  Some times I forget to post the follow ups so we’ll see when the next one pops in.  My hip boots were still at home, so I may go back tomorrow and wade in to get a different perspective. But it will be in the 40’s today so much of this may melt or reshape itself.

About Steve Gingold

I am a Nature Photographer with interests in all things related. Water, flowers, insects and fungi are my main interests but I am happy to photograph wildlife and landscapes and all other of Nature's subjects.
This entry was posted in Black and White, Ice, Intimate Landscape, Landscape, Nature Photography, Water, Western Massachusetts, Western Massachusetts Waterfalls and Cascades and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

15 Responses to 03.06.2016 Upstream Dean Brook

  1. I like, and can very much relate to, the way in which you have described the changing landscape, ” … water freezes, melts, refreezes, drops in level, rises again, reveals and then covers what lies hidden beneath the motion.” You got it one. And, as you say, such a chaotic process cannot ever produce the same formations more than once. Each is (literally) unique. D

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Happy playing with the ice while you still have it.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Beautiful in black and white. B&W adds a bit of mystery, for me at least. I’ve tried to guess if you have a favorite season but I haven’t figured that out- yet.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. shoreacres says:

    I especially like the clarity of the melting ice. The wet rocks play into the attractiveness of the image, too.

    Our water rarely changes form (although I have seen Galveston Bay freeze) but it’s always in motion, much like yours. Wind rather than temperature brings our changes. Right now, coastal flooding caused by a strong onshore flow is closing highways. Eventually, the north/west wind will come, and empty the bay. The flushing actually helps the health of the bay system — and it’s lots of fun to watch.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Clarity of ice is determined by how quickly the water freezes. A quick freeze traps minerals, bubbles, etc and appears cloudy. A slow freeze allows the impurities to migrate and the water freezes clear.

      It comes as a surprise to me that your bay would ever freeze considering it is saltwater and you don’t get so awfully cold.


      • shoreacres says:

        Well, sometimes we do. In 1983, it stayed well below freezing for days and days. That’s when the bay froze, and killed thousands of fish. Many, many years I’ve seen skims of ice in the marina, and always there’s the chopping ice out of the birdbaths routine — also dragging plants in and out of the house. 1983 was the year the pipes burst at my apartment complex, flooding a courtyard. It made for great ice skating.

        Liked by 1 person

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