04.02.2015 Dutchman’s Breeches

One of the earlier spring ephemerals in Mr. Gingold’s neighborhood is Dutchman’s Breeches (Dicentra cucullaria).  The image I am sharing today was made on April 9, 2010 when we had a very early spring.  I am not expecting to see these in a week…probably not even two weeks.  Although much of our snow has melted, there is still enough in places that I think the flowers will be a little late this year.  I’ll look though, just in case. 🙂

Dutchman's-Breeches-single-stem--040910-700WebWill you be my friend.   (disclaimer…I never saw Mr. Rogers ((not once)), although I did see Mr. Robinson.)  🙂

About Steve Gingold

I am a Nature Photographer with interests in all things related. Water, flowers, insects and fungi are my main interests but I am happy to photograph wildlife and landscapes and all other of Nature's subjects.
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24 Responses to 04.02.2015 Dutchman’s Breeches

  1. Jim in IA says:

    I always enjoy seeing those little flowers. They have such a unique shape. Good luck finding them.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. shoreacres says:

    I’m sure I’ve probably seen postings about Dutchmen’s-breeches-the-flower, but my first thought was of the sky. “Dutchmen’s breeches,” patches of blue in the sky, are a proverbial sign that rain will hold off. I found this tidbit interesting:

    “The New York Times published an article on June 6, 1897 entitled, “Names Of The Clouds.” What’s particularly interesting is that the expression Dutchman’s breeches is referred to as an old saw.

    ‘The strato-cumulus clouds were formerly designated with the words combined in the inverse order, and the name, with its abbreviation s-cu, is bestowed upon large globular masses or rolls of dark cloud frequently covering the whole sky. They are especially noticable in Winter, and occasionally give the sky a wavy appearance. It is not a very thick layer of cloud, and occasionally blue patches of sky are visible through the intervening spaces. The old saw is that when there is enough blue sky to make a pair of Dutchman’s breeches, the following day will surely be a pleasant one.’

    As a side note, the expression “old saw” refers to a proverb and that expression (old saw) dates back to some time in the 1400s. So if a journalist in the 1890s referred to the expression Dutchman’s breeches as an old saw, it means it goes back farther than the 1890s. The expression is found in the book “Reading The Weather” written by T. Morris Longstreth and published in 1915. He dedicated the book to his grandmother, Mary Gibson Haldeman. The author credits his grandmother for passing along the proverbs which puts the expression at least to the early 1800s.

    In Idiomation’s research, however, it was learned that the expression dates back to the Anglo-Dutch naval wars of the 17th century…”

    Apart from all that, the colors in your photo are luscious. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen such a pure, emerald green in a photo of a flower. It combines beautifully with the white and gold. You surely do have some beauties up there.

    Liked by 2 people

    • That kind of saw comes down to us from Old English sagu, a relative of the Old Norse saga that we’ve borrowed. The noun saw is also related to our native verb say.


    • Wow, this blog just exhibited a flash of brilliance like never before. 🙂 Etymologies are fascinating and we do find quite often that their roots are deep in history. I should be more curious about them and enjoy when you share your knowledge and research. In this case it is idiomolgy being shared, but the same idea…where did these come from. Thanks!
      The greens are quite lovely, or more lovely maybe, in spring and get a little “harder” as summer wears on. At this time of the year they are quite fresh and lush.


  3. Gorgeous close-up of the britches. Winter sure has kept its grip on the land where you live. I can not imagine having snow on the ground. It most get awfully tiresome to endure winter for months on end.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, Yvonne. I think that grip may have finally broken. It rained most of the night and stayed in the 50s. We may get below freezing a few more times, but the outlook is a bit rosier…in a rain event sort of way. 🙂
      A lot of people suffer from Season Affective Disorder which makes them SAD. I imagine that this year was a bad one for those folks. We didn’t get depressed, but it was beginning to be more than we wanted to deal with. I’ll be happy when I toss my last split into the wood stove for the season.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Once again you’ve done a fine job with a small (and therefore difficult) subject.


  5. BuntyMcC says:

    Beautiful capture. Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Andrew says:

    They could be Gerard’s. Whoever they belong to, they are mighty fine.

    Liked by 1 person

    • These are one of my favorites, Andrew. I really enjoy the shape and coloration. They are not breeze friendly though, but not many flowers are.
      Gerard stopped by once a while back and I visited him, but that was about it.


  7. What a strange beauty!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Wonderful, Steve. I really like how you let the beauty and intricacy of the flower speak for itself.
    incidentally, I never met Mr. Robinson but once when my daughter was quite small Mr. Rogers came to town (Peoria) to tape a show. Actually it was the postman. Anyway, Katie recognized him and before we knew what was happening she’d run right up to him. He didn’t turn a hair, simply picked her up and held her on his lap while he finished taping. I’d sure love to find that episode! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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