10.13.2013 Diva’s Ear

I hope this does not say I have a mean streak. But as I wandered in the Brooks Woodland Preserve this morning, I came across an old tree with this interesting display and immediately thought of poor Office Diva and her fungal malady of time gone by.  As a few folks have requested more mushroom images I am sharing this one with the, hopefully, humorous tag line at our lovely Diva’s expense.Diva's-ear-101313-600WebWhile away I fell very behind in keeping up with everybody’s blog posts.  I am afraid I will miss several but am trying to catch up.  Of course, after this post, maybe one blogger will not want me darkening her door, so to speak.

About Steve Gingold

I am a Nature Photographer with interests in all things related. Water, flowers, insects and fungi are my main interests but I am happy to photograph wildlife and landscapes and all other of Nature's subjects.
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14 Responses to 10.13.2013 Diva’s Ear

  1. Andrew says:

    Wasn’t there a Battle of Diva’s Ear, way back in history?


  2. Office Diva says:

    Arrrghhhhhh! Ok, that was my ear taking a moment to say things I shall have to edit!!
    Nah, just kidding. What a fantastic shot! It seems like I just can’t seem to escape the fungi lately, they are everywhere, and it’s raining again so more of them are popping up on the lawn, everywhere on the lawn. Pretty soon, our property is going to be like the Stonehenge of Fairy Rings. ;o)~~~

    If I have nightmares tonight, I shall most certainly be darkening your inbox with updates. 😉


    • As I have not heard from you, Diva, I must surmise that there were no nightmares last night. Excellent! (imagine Monty Burns rubbing his palms together there) I am happy as I did not want to cause you bad dreams. Making you laugh is even better.
      After your drought from earlier this year it is good to hear of steady rain to fill your water towers and reservoirs. I’ll be waiting for the YouTube link to your faerie ring jig. 🙂


  3. Office Diva says:

    P.S. Green Heron, you are too, too hilarious!!! I am still laughing!


  4. Yes sir ree- or however it goes. This is a good one and could pass for an over-sized or mushroom stuffed ear with delicate mushrooms popping and hopping all about. It really is a terrific find. Love this one which to me is one for the “books.”


    • I love stuffed mushrooms, Yvonne. Ear stuffing is probably not all that much fun, but a nice large portobella cap with chopped clams and garlic buttered bread crumbs would be a real nice treat. Thanks for liking this. I didn’t have to work very hard as it was right there in the woodland parking lot. 🙂


  5. Just Rod says:

    Glad you didn’t get an earful from OD and you didn’t get barked at either. Lovely photo.


  6. Mark says:

    Nice photo Steve, rare that you find a group in such an graphically pleasing place.


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